- BASH'd: A Gay Rap Opera
- written by: CHRIS CRADDOCK & NATHAN CUCKOW ------- music by: AARON MACRI
Original Cast Recording now available for download!
BASH'd in L.A.

The show runs to July 24th. Get your tickets now!
" a wonderful and joyous production"
-L.A. Live (On Stage)
"profound and uncompromising . . . knockout entertainment"
"We promise that you will be touched in places you didn't know you had as catching this production should practically be a LGBT right of passage"
BASH'd is Out!
BASH'd in 2011
BASH'd will be in Edmonton at the Canoe Festival (Workshop West) from January 19th - 23rd, 2011.
BASH'd will be in Calgary at the High Performance Rodeo (One Yellow Rabbit) from January 26th - January 29th, 2011.
High Performance Rodeo
Wednesday January 26th -8pm
Thursday January 27th - 8pm
Friday January 28th - 9:30pm
Saturday January 29th - 3pm
Saturday January 29th - 9:30pm
BASH'd at the Edmonton Fringe
Missed BASH'd the first time? Now is your chance to catch the Gay Rap Opera that everyone has been talking about. Edmonton International Fringe Festival. August 12 - 22, 2010.
The Edmonton run is sure to sell out. Buy your tickets online at the Arts Barns Box Office or call 780-409-1910.
Show Times:
Sunday August 15th - 6:30pm
Monday August 16th - Noon
Wednesday August 18th - 11:00pm
Thursday August 19th - 2:00pm
Friday August 20th - 8:30pm
Sunday August 22nd - 4:15pm
Canadian National Tour
Check them out:
Theatre Passe Muraille
October 14 - 31, 2009
Great Canadian Theatre Company
January 12 - 31, 2010
The Cultch
Presented in partnership with the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad
February 16 - 20, 2010
What the Critics are Saying...
-New York Times
“BASH'd, a furious, fast-moving, hip-hop entertainment! The show expertly expands the boundaries of musical theatre while championing a defiant call for gay civil rights and an end to prejudice and violence. As one of the lyrics proclaims, 'it's Romeo meets Romeo,' complete with an ample supply of scatological
language, swaggering attitude and a keen, often hilarious sense of observation about gay life.”
-Associated Press
“The idiosyncrasies of gay life are displayed vividly (and sometimes in raunchy detail) as Craddock and Cuckow snap from character to character, creating a world full of aggressive drag queens, disdainful lesbians, macho conservative dads, wayward straight boys and one pitch-perfect, loving-but-cringing mother.”
-New York Daily News
“Gays get a good rap! The story is not only moving but also hilarious.”
-New York Post
"More amusing than anything else in musical theater’s avant-garde. They’re also carrying on Missy Elliott and Lil’ Kim’s mission of extending the rapping-inappropriately-about-sex franchise to a group other than straight men."
-New York Magazine
“When Chris Craddock and Nathan Cuckow—two white Canadians who look more like character actors than rappers—strut onto the Zipper stage in off-pink duds to a big, stomping beat and throw down multi-syllabic rhymes like hip-hop pros, it's not just their formidable mastery of the style that convinces, but the balls-out content. BASH'd is a triumph on many other levels, but its most unlikely, and profound, victory is this potent, transformative pop-culture hybrid: gangsta queer. This alternately joyous and
angry style fits the show's sweet, archetypal love story, which comes with a cautionary kick. With Aaron Macri's bright, deep beats and Ron Jenkins's relentless direction, Bash'd is, in all senses, a deeply moving shout-out.”
-Village Voice
“Joyful and engaging ... satisfying entertainment! Their 65-minute concert-cum-musical, not only puts a smart spin on gay rights but also delivers some radio-worthy hip-hop. A song about the various
stereotypes in a gay club becomes a satirical tour de force. The music is so joyful and engaging that it seems like the perfect soundtrack for falling in love.”
“And while it may initially seem strange to see two white boys performing gay rap, any misgivings soongive way thanks largely to the duo's high-energy performance, which is oftentimes simply explosive. Craddock and Cuckow's clever rhymes and strong storytelling skills provide a potent mixture of comedy
and drama.''
-Theatre Mania
“BASH'd is a masterpiece! The power of the 75-minute piece as written is undeniable. The rap poetry is alternately sexy, angry, exciting, and devastating, and the subject of anti-gay violence is handled in a deeply affecting yet non-sensational way. Skillfully directed by Ron Jenkins, the show is also praiseworthy for its costume design (Chase Tyler) and lighting (Bradley Clements), not to mention its all-important sound design (Kris Pierce). BASH'd is a must-see.”
“A tightly-written, fully-integrated, and ferocious production! BASH'd is flipping the conventions of musical theatre and gay culture on their heads. A production that packs a powerful punch in just over an hour! BASH'd has done the impossible. Its shape and arc have convinced this jaded show queen that there is a solid, gleaming bridge between the wordplay and rhyme schemes of classic musical theatre writing and those of the rap genre. Suffice to say the lyrics and performances are relentlessly thrilling,
touching, and hilarious. The romance unfolds like a Shakespearean drama and the tragedy skewers like the finest of Euripides's offerings. If you don't believe that a "rap opera" can live up to these zealous compliments, you've got quite an enjoyable journey ahead of you.”
“A musical that actually gets away with combining the words ‘gay,’ ‘rap’ and ‘opera’”
“BASH'd is funny, clever, poignant and surprisingly serious in tone. I was left with my mouth agape by the performance.”
“Their rhymes are clever, their flow is tight and their stage presence borders on superhuman.”
-HX Magazine
“(BASH'd) deserves a place at the top of your must-see list. It's not merely that it's a creative adaptation of the rap idiom to tell the story of a gay love and a tragedy born out of bigotry and rage. It's
not merely wonderfully performed by two white guys completely at home in their adopted rap personas. Nor is it that it is a sensitive piece that balances satire and seriousness, silliness and intelligence. In fact, it is the confluence of all of these factors that makes this show outrageously funny, profoundly touching, and thoroughly entertaining. If any show could in 75 scant minutes capture so much of the gay experience, this is it. This dazzling and original show stands out as an evocation of the gay experience, all its joys and sorrows and it does so with a confidence and commitment that is beyond impressive. Don't miss this.”
-Gay City New
BASH'd Opening Night to Benefit the Anti-Violence Project
To purchase tickets, call 212-352-3101 & mention code AVP or click here http://www.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/47571/prm/AVP to order online.
Founded in 1980 by community activists as a grassroots response to anti-gay bias attacks occurring in Chelsea, today the Anti-Violence Project is the largest LGBT community-based anti-violence program in the United States, as well as the coordinator of the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects (NCAVP).
Increased visibility is escalating both the incidence and severity of violence against LGBT people across the country. The Anti-Violence Project receives a call about an anti-LGBT incident on average every 12 hours, and a call about an anti-LGBT assault every 36 hours. NCAVP's Hate Violence Report documented an alarming 24% increase in total number of victims reporting incidents of anti-LGBT violence in 2007.
AVP meets it promise to the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you, or someone you know have been a victim of abuse please call AVP's 24-hour Bilingual Hotline 212-714-1141. All services are free and confidential.
Off Broadway debut at The Zipper Factory Theatre!
Show times:
Mondays at 8pm
Thursdays at 8pm
Fridays at 7:30pm and 10pm
Saturdays at 8pm
Tickets ($25 - $55) are available by calling (212)352-3101 or by visiting www.thezipperfactory.com
The Zipper is located in Manhattan at 336 West 37th Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues.
Come out to see the Off Broadway run!
GLAAD Media Awards
Thank you GLAAD!
GLAAD Media Award Nomination
BASH'd was nominated in the category: New York Theatre - Off-off-Broadway.
The BASH'd boys are honored by the nomination, and very excited about the upcoming Awards Ceremony.
Other major recognition from the BASH'd 2007 tour:
- Theatremania.com listed BASH'd as one of the Top NYC Productions of 2007
- Backstage.com listed BASH'd as one of the top "Performances to Remember" in NYC for 2007
- Gay City News (NYC) honoured BASH'd with an "Aggie Award" for Best Live Performance of 2007 (10 awards were given out, other recipients included Mary J Blige and Usher!)

BASH'd! is loosely based on the real life spike in hate crimes in Alberta, Canada during the national debate on equal marriage for gays and lesbians. Since this debate, same sex marriage has been legalized in Canada, despite the fervent protests of the religious right. In America the struggle continues. BASH'd! explores the effect of homophobic violence and the emotions associated with being any marginalized population. Though the topic is serious, the play itself is fast paced, high energy and full of laughs.
BASH'd in 2008
One Yellow Rabbit is a world renowned theatre company based out of Calgary. Their annual High Performance Rodeo is Western Canada's premier showcase for creative new work. Check out the OYR website for full details on the 2008 High Performance Rodeo.
One Yellow Rabbit
High Performance Rodeo Schedule
Tuesday, January 22 at 9:30 - $22
Wednesday January 23 at 9:30 PM - $22
Thursday, January 24 at 7:30 PM - $25
Friday, January 25 at 9:30 PM - $30
Saturday, January 26 at 7:30 PM - $30
At The Big Secret Theatre
2nd Floor Centre Court: 225 - 8 Ave. S.E.
- call OYR at 264.3224
- buy online at Ticketmaster
BASH'd was showcased in Toronto as a part of the Next Stage Theatre Festival from January 3rd until January 13th.
The Next Stage Theatre Festival is a new, juried festival from the producers of the Fringe of Toronto Theatre Festival. See some of the press from Next Stage on the left side of the page under "Hot Press".
BASH'd boys on the cover of Toronto's EYE WEEKLY magazine!
What the Critics are saying about BASH'd
“One of the strongest Fringe entries I've seen in the 11 years of the festival”
-Richard Ouzounian, TORONTO STAR
“BASH’d has already proven itself a hit”
“Kudos to these audacious Canadians for confronting one of the last great civil rights issues of our time so fearlessly in a show that audiences can really respond to”
-Martin Denton, NYTHEATRE.COM
“I doubt that I will see a better show than this all year... [BASH'd] brilliantly fuses music, words, superb acting, and political vigor into great theater.”
-Gay City News
“one of the best Fringe shows I’ve seen in 10 years of Fringing”
“Give these gay rapping angels a record deal”
“a fast paced, witty, intricate and exceptionally poignant piece of theatre”
“a clever little stinger of a show”
“Employing rap, a genre known for its homophobia, sizzling writer/performers Craddock and Cuckow explore young queer life, gay marriage and violence with jaw-dropping energy, imagination and utter ballsiness. Aaron Macri's beats are sophisticated and catchy, while the smart rhymes deliver every single time. Unabashedly political, proud and even moving, it's one of the strongest Fringe shows I've ever seen.”
To see the articles that these quotes have been drawn from, please see our "Hot Press" links on the left side of the blog